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Horrible Science: Frightening Light. Nick Arnold

Horrible Science: Frightening Light. Nick Arnold

303 руб Заказать
Isn’t it? Um… no. Light! It’s blindingly obvious! It’s just sunshine and the light-bulb in your living room. Read on if you want to know: how lethal laser beams can sizzle human flesh why dead bodies make ghostly glowing lights how rattlesnakes can find you in the dark why contact lenses were moulded from dead people’s eyeballs how eclipses turn night into day how stars have colours we can’t see how to use light to zap enemy missiles Some of it’s light-hearted fun – and some of it will scare the living daylights out of you! Switch on your brain with Frightening Light!
Из серии: Horrible Science
2009. Because the science of light is full of sizzling, squishy, horrid facts that teachers like to keep you in the dark about.
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