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Legal Method. Ian McLeod

Legal Method. Ian McLeod

1809 руб Заказать
This eighth edition of Legal Method provides a lively introduction to the nature of the English legal system and its sources, and to the techniques which lawyers use when handling those sources. The Palgrave Macmillan Law Masters series is a long-running and successful list of titles offering clear, concise and authoritative guides to the main subject areas, written by experienced and respected authors. In addition to more conventional sources, writers as varied as Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope and T.S. The text assumes no prior knowledge and makes its content accessible by clarity of expression rather than by dilution of content. This is an ideal course companion for both law undergraduate and GDL/CPE students. Eliot are cited. The new enhanced layout includes end of chapter summaries and self-test exercises
Из серии: Palgrave macmillan law masters
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