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Spanish Verbs For Dummies. Cecie Kraynak

Spanish Verbs For Dummies. Cecie Kraynak

920 руб Заказать
With over 325 million speakers, Spanish is in a virtual dead heat with English as the second most popular spoken language. This book offers a fun, comprehensive way to get up to speed on Spanish. More than just a dictionary-style list of verbs, Spanish Verbs For Dummies covers regular verbs in the present tense and six other simple tenses, interrogatives and imperatives, irregular verbs in all seven tenses, and Spanish verb nuances. This easy-to-follow guide shows readers how to successfully conjugate verbs, providing easy, entertaining exercises and answer keys to reinforce different grammatical rules.
Из серии: For Dummies
2006. Mary Kraynak, MA (Indianapolis, IN), teaches Spanish to junior high and high school students and has served as a technical consultant to several Spanish learning guides.
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