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Christmas. Trudi Strain Trueit

Christmas. Trudi Strain Trueit

180 руб Заказать
- Includes chart that explains the game of dreidel. - Pronunciation guides to less familiar words. - Excellent resource for classroom unit on holidays. - Holiday books are always in demand in schools and libraries, but the controlled vocabulary of Rookie Books make them especially marketable. - Word list. - Text has fewer than 400 words. facilitate global understanding or lead to misunderstanding
Из серии: Rookie Read-About Holidays (Paperback)
2006. Curriculum Standards: Grades K-4 Social Studies Standards Culture: I - People, societies, and cultures address needs and concerns in ways that are both similar and different - Language, folktales, music, and art serve as expressions of culture - Cultural unity and diversity can be identified within and across groups Time, Continuity, and Change: II - Accounts of past events, people, places, and situations contribute to our understanding of the past Global Connections: IX - Explore ways in which language, the arts, beliefs, etc.
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