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Foundations of Economics. Andrew Gillespie

Foundations of Economics. Andrew Gillespie

3054 руб Заказать
Assuming no prior knowledge, it introduces students to both microeconomic and macroeconomic principles. Building upon the success of the first edition, Foundations of Economics is the ideal text for students taking their first course in economics. Online Resource Centre For lecturers: - Instructor manual - PowerPoints - MCQ test bank - Questions directly linked to chapters in the book and news stories - VLE cartridge. Its student-friendly approach is reflected by the topical real-world examples applying theory to practice and the step-by-step explanations of the key concepts.
2011. For students: - Walk-throughs of key concepts with screen grabs and audio - Self-test questions - Links to news stories with commentary from the author - An author blog - Weblinks and hints for research - Updated RSS international news feeds.
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