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Q. Skills for Success. Reading & Writing 1. Student Book. Sarah Lynn

Q. Skills for Success. Reading & Writing 1. Student Book. Sarah Lynn

1326 руб Заказать
Q: Skills for Success uses an essential question in every unit to connect critical thinking, language skills and learning outcomes. Q: Skills for Success is a six-level series with two strands, Reading and Writing and Listening and Speaking. Q is a result of an extensive development process involving thousands of teachers and hundreds of students around the word. The series provides students with the language skills needed to achieve academic success. Q is grounded in teaching theory as well as real-world classroom practice, making it the most learner-centered series available. Their views and opinions helped shape the content of the series. - Thought-provoking unit questions provide a critical thinking framework for each unit. - Clearly identified learning outcomes focus students on the goal of instruction. - Q Online Practice provides new content and practice activities for every unit. - Explicit skills instruction builds language proficiency.
Из серии: Q Skills for Success
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