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Russian. Paul Cubberley

Russian. Paul Cubberley

2453 руб Заказать
It particularly emphasises the special linguistic features of Russian which are not shared with English and other non-Slavic languages. This book provides an accessible introduction to the linguistic structure of Russian, including its history, dialects and sociolinguistics, as well as the central issues of phonology, morphology, syntax and word formation/lexicology. Students and scholars of linguistics will find it a useful starting point for comparative work involving the structure of Russian and the Slavic languages, or issues such as standardisation, multilingualism, and the fate of former colonial languages. For intermediate/advanced students of Russian, this will help to reinforce their understanding of how all levels of Russian function. It will also serve as a learning aid to Cyrillic, with all examples transliterated. Each chapter begins with an introduction to the basic theoretical concepts of the area covered, presenting the linguistic facts and relationships in an easily accessible form.
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