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Quest 1 Reading & Writing SB. Hartmann Pamela

Quest 1 Reading & Writing SB. Hartmann Pamela

1320 руб Заказать
Quest helps students get "up to speed" in terms of both academic content and language skills. Quest Second Edition parallels and accelerates the process native-speaking students go through when they prepare for success in a variety of academic subjects. The Reading and Writing strand includes three to four distinct units, each focusing on a different area of university study - anthropology, art, biology, business, ecology, economics, history, literature, psychology, and sociology. The four Reading and Writing books in the Quest series combine high-interest material from newspapers and magazines with readings from academic textbooks. 1. Each chapter contains five parts that blend reading and writing skills within the context of a particular academic area of study. General Interest Reading 3. Introduction 2. The Mechanics of Writing 5. Academic Reading 4. This is the low intermediate to intermediate level student book. Academic Writing Reading and activites build upon one another and increase in length and difficulty as students work through the five sections of each chapter across the four levels.
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