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Inspiration 1 AB. Philip Prowse, Judy Garton-Sprenger

Inspiration 1 AB. Philip Prowse, Judy Garton-Sprenger

482 руб Заказать
The topic-led syllabus integrates distinct grammatical, lexical, pronunciation, skills and learner independence syllabi. Workbook Provides a wealth of extra grammar and vocabulary exercises, integrated skills texts and activities, pronunciation work, revision and extension and review material and learner independence and self-assessment sections. The approach to grammar is clearly structured, and controlled practice leads to fluency activities where students apply the target grammar in communicative situations. This cross-curricular syllabus, informed by research in secondary schools, generates engaging texts and tasks. A staged programme of tasks develops students’ writing skills. Careful attention is paid to skills development in language presentation lessons and in the Integrated Skills lesson in each unit. Inspiration Extra! sections contain Revision and Extension exercises to cater for differences in ability. The Integrated Skills lessons also focus on the development of learner independence.
2005. These pages also offer creative project work, songs, games, puzzles, poems, and sketches to act out.
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