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Can She Be Stopped? Hillary Clinton. John Podhoretz

Can She Be Stopped? Hillary Clinton. John Podhoretz

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Could it really happen? Frighteningly, yes. It’s the ultimate nightmare scenario for conservatives: to awaken on the morning of November 5, 2008, to the news that the last swing state has been colored bright blue and Hillary Rodham Clinton is the President-elect of the United States. . In fact, as bestselling author and leading conservative commentator John Podhoretz reveals, this is not just a scary “what if” scenario; it will happen . unless conservatives take immediate action. . Podhoretz uncovers the host of reasons why—many of them counterintuitive. Sounding the alarm bell with wit and verve, Can She Be Stopped? shows that Hillary’s plan to capture the White House is much further along than her enemies fear. ” She’s too liberal to get elected. He also destroys the comfortable myths about Clinton that conservatives cling to: She’s saddled with too many “high negatives. You’ve heard them all, and they’re wrong on every count. “Clinton fatigue” will keep her out of the Oval Office. His groundbreaking ten-point plan of action reveals: • How to expose the real, ultraliberal Hillary • How to "smoke her out" and prevent her from hiding on key issues • How to make her denounce popular Republican programs—and defend unpopular liberal ideas • How to use her Senate seat as a weapon against her • How to overcome the Republican Party’s own problems • Whom the Republicans should nominate (and the choice may surprise you) Conservatives can’t avoid the Hillary problem any longer, or else the nation will be forced to endure another Clinton in the White House. After shaking Republicans out of their complacency, Podhoretz lays out the precise strategy conservatives must deploy to stop Hillary dead in her tracks. Can she be stopped? Yes—but only if we get to work . Fortunately, John Podhoretz is here with the detailed blueprint that will spare the country from that disastrous turn of events, in a book as puckishly lively as it is sobering. . .
2007. now.
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