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Big Bugs 1. Activity Book. Elisenda Papiol, Maria Toth

Big Bugs 1. Activity Book. Elisenda Papiol, Maria Toth

365 руб Заказать
Big Bugs 1 and 2 provide continuity and progression by recycling and developing language learnt at the early stages of primary. Big Bugs is a four-level story-based course for primary children (ages 9–12). These fascinating stories help to contextualize new language and provide opportunities for the children to communicate in English. There are eight story-based units with extra materials for key festivals in the year. Children discover the real world through cross-curricular related activities and more attention is paid to language and grammar specifically. Big Bugs 3 and 4 take a more mature approach to learning with the adventures of the pop group The Bugs Band. KEY FEATURES * Eight story-based units * Three double-page revision games * A double page of stickers in the Activity Book * Four cut-out minibooks in the Activity Book * 72 full-colour Story Cards illustrating key vocabulary * 64 full-colour Flashcards to present or review new vocabulary * 64 Word Cards showing key vocabulary * Unit tests (one per unit) and three Progress Tests
2004. In addition, there is a communicative syllabus with an integrated and balanced approach to all four skills.
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