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Музыка в целом

6701 6 секстетов дл флейты и струнных, G.461-466. 6 Sextets for Flute and Strings, G.461-466 by Boccherini, Luigi
461-466". Репринтное нотное издание Boccherini, Luigi "6 Sextets for Flute and Strings, G. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные
600 руб
6702 Концерт для клавесина ми-бемоль мажор, G.487. Harpsichord Concerto in E-flat major, G.487 by Boccherini, Luigi
487". Репринтное нотное издание Boccherini, Luigi "Harpsichord Concerto in E-flat major, G. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные
684 руб
6703 6 флейтовых квинтетов, G.425-430. 6 Flute Quintets, G.425-430 by Boccherini, Luigi
425-430". Репринтное нотное издание Boccherini, Luigi "6 Flute Quintets, G. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные технологии
300 руб
6704 6 флейтовых квинтетов, G.419-424. 6 Flute Quintets, G.419-424 by Boccherini, Luigi
419-424". Репринтное нотное издание Boccherini, Luigi "6 Flute Quintets, G. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные технологии
300 руб
6705 6 сонат для виолончели, G.1, 4-6, 10, 13. 6 Cello Sonatas, G.1, 4-6, 10, 13 by Boccherini, Luigi
1, 4-6, 10, 13". Репринтное нотное издание Boccherini, Luigi "6 Cello Sonatas, G. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные
250 руб
6706 Соната для виолончели, G.16, ми-бемоль мажор. Cello Sonata, G.16, E-flat major by Boccherini, Luigi
16, E-flat major". Репринтное нотное издание Boccherini, Luigi "Cello Sonata, G. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные
350 руб
6707 Концерт для виолончели No.9, G.482, си-бемоль мажор. Cello Concerto No.9, G.482, B-flat major by Boccherini, Luigi
9, G. Репринтное нотное издание Boccherini, Luigi "Cello Concerto No. Жанры: Concertos; For cello, orchestra; Scores featuring the cello; Scores featuring the orchestra; For orchestra with soloists; For cello, orchestra
250 руб
6708 Концерт для виолончели No.4, G.477, до мажор. Cello Concerto No.4, G.477, C major by Boccherini, Luigi
4, G. Репринтное нотное издание Boccherini, Luigi "Cello Concerto No. Жанры: Concertos; For cello, strings; Scores featuring the cello; Scores featuring string ensemble; For strings with soloists; For cello, orchestra;
350 руб
6709 Симфония до мажор. Symphony in C major by Bizet, Georges
Жанры: Symphonies; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra. Репринтное нотное издание Bizet, Georges "Symphony in C major". Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской
550 руб
6710 Рим. Roma by Bizet, Georges
Жанры: Symphonies; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra; For piano 4 hands (arr); Scores featuring the piano; Scores featuring the piano 4 hands; For 2 players; For 2 pianos 8 hands (arr); For 4 players. Репринтное
1000 руб
6711 Искатели жемчуга. Les pГЄcheurs de perles by Bizet, Georges
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language; For piano 4 hands (arr); Scores
1100 руб
6712 Родина. Patrie by Bizet, Georges
Жанры: Overtures; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra; For piano 4 hands (arr); Scores featuring the piano; Scores featuring the piano 4 hands; For 2 players; For piano (arr); For 1 player. Репринтное нотное
350 руб
6713 Ной. NoГ© by Bizet, Georges
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices with orchestra; French language. Репринтное нотное издание Bizet, Georges "Noe".
2508 руб
6714 20 мелодий, Op.21. 20 MГ©lodies, Op.21 by Bizet, Georges
21". Репринтное нотное издание Bizet, Georges "20 Melodies, Op. Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской орфографии. Мы создали специально для Вас,
750 руб
6715 Пертская красавица. La jolie fille de Perth by Bizet, Georges
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language; For piano (arr); For 1 player;
1500 руб
6716 Дон Прокопио. Don Procopio by Bizet, Georges
Жанры: Operas bouffes; Stage Works; Operas; Comic operas; For voices, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices with orchestra; French language. Репринтное нотное издание Bizet,
1500 руб
6717 Джамиле. Djamileh by Bizet, Georges
Жанры: Operas comiques; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language.
700 руб
6718 Рейнские песни. Chants du Rhin by Bizet, Georges
Жанры: Songs; For piano; Scores featuring the piano; For 1 player. Репринтное нотное издание Bizet, Georges "Chants du Rhin". Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской
250 руб
6719 Кармен-сюита No.2. Carmen Suite No.2 by Bizet, Georges
2". Репринтное нотное издание Bizet, Georges "Carmen Suite No. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные технологии
500 руб
6720 Кармен-сюита No.1. Carmen Suite No.1 by Bizet, Georges
1". Репринтное нотное издание Bizet, Georges "Carmen Suite No. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные технологии
300 руб
6721 Кармен. Carmen by Bizet, Georges
Жанры: Operas comiques; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language; For piano
2050 руб
6722 Глас народа, Op.20, H 120. Vox populi, Op.20, H 120 by Berlioz, Hector
20, H 120". Репринтное нотное издание Berlioz, Hector "Vox populi, Op. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные технологии
250 руб
6723 Троянцы, H 133. Les Troyens, H 133 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Grand operas; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language.
2350 руб
6724 Тебе, Бога, хвалим, Op.22, H 118. Te Deum, Op.22, H 118 by Berlioz, Hector
22, H 118". Репринтное нотное издание Berlioz, Hector "Te Deum, Op. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные технологии
850 руб
6725 Фантастическая симфония, H 48. Symphonie fantastique, H 48 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Symphonies; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra; For piano 4 hands (arr); Scores featuring the piano; Scores featuring the piano 4 hands; For 2 players; For piano (arr); For 1 player. Репринтное нотное
800 руб
6726 8 сцен из Фауста, H 33. 8 scГЁnes de Faust, H 33 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Secular cantatas; Cantatas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language. Репринтное
600 руб
6727 Сара купальщица, H 69. Sara la baigneuse, H 69 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Ballads; For mixed chorus, female chorus, male chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring female chorus; Scores featuring male chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For chorus with orchestra; For 2 voices,
250 руб
6728 Ромео и Джульетта, симфония, H 79. RomГ©o et Juliette, symphony, H 79 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Symphonies; Secular cantatas; Cantatas; For 3 voices, 3 mixed choruses, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the alto voice; Scores featuring the tenor voice; Scores featuring the bass voice; Scores featuring mixed
1748 руб
6729 Греческая революция, героические сцены, H 21. La rГ©volution grecque, scГЁne hГ©roГЇque, H 21 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Secular cantatas; Cantatas; For 2 voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the bass voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; French
600 руб
6730 Смерть Клеопатры, H 36. La mort de ClГ©opГўtre, H 36 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Secular cantatas; Cantatas; For voice, orchestra; For voices with orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the soprano voice; Scores featuring the orchestra; French language. Репринтное нотное
300 руб
6731 Торжественная месса, H 20. Messe solennelle, H 20 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Masses; Religious works; For 3 voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the soprano voice; Scores featuring the tenor voice; Scores featuring the bass voice;
300 руб
6732 Угроза франков, H 117. La menace des Francs, H 117 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Secular cantatas; Cantatas; For male chorus, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring male chorus; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For chorus with orchestra; For 4 voices, orchestra; For voices with
250 руб
6733 Личные письма. Lettres intimes by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Correspondence; Writings; French language. Репринтное нотное издание Berlioz, Hector "Lettres intimes". Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской орфографии. Мы
1700 руб
6734 Лелио, или Возвращение к жизни, H 55. LГ©lio, ou le retour Г  la vie, H 55 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Secular cantatas; Cantatas; For narrator, 2 voices, male chorus, mixed chorus, 2 pianos, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring a narrator; Scores featuring the tenor voice; Scores featuring the baritone voice; Scores
800 руб
6735 Увертюра Роб-Рой Макгрегор, H 54. Intrata di Rob-Roy MacGregor, overture, H 54 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Overtures; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra. Репринтное нотное издание Berlioz, Hector "Intrata di Rob-Roy MacGregor, overture, H 54". Воспроизведено в оригинальной
400 руб
6736 Гимн Марсельеза, H 51A. Hymne des Marseillaise, H 51A by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: National anthems; For 2 voices, childrens chorus, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the soprano voice; Scores featuring the tenor voice; Scores featuring childrens voices; Scores featuring mixed
250 руб
6737 Герминия, H 29. Herminie, H 29 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Secular cantatas; Cantatas; For voice, orchestra; For voices with orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the soprano voice; Scores featuring the orchestra; French language. Репринтное нотное
350 руб
6738 Гарольд в Италии, H 68. Harold en Italie, H 68 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Symphonies; For viola, orchestra; Scores featuring the viola; Scores featuring the orchestra; For orchestra with soloists; For viola, piano (arr); For 2 players; Scores featuring the piano; For piano 4 hands (arr); Scores featuring the
900 руб
6739 Похоронная триумфальная гранд симфония, H 80. Grande symphonie funГЁbre et triomphale, H 80 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Symphonies; For mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For chorus with orchestra; French language. Репринтное нотное издание Berlioz, Hector "Grande symphonie
450 руб
6740 Гранд увертюра Король Лир, H 53. Grande ouverture du roi Lear, H 53 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Overtures; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra; For 2 pianos 8 hands (arr); Scores featuring the piano; For 4 players. Репринтное нотное издание Berlioz, Hector "Grande ouverture du roi Lear, H 53".
350 руб
6741 Гранд увертюра Уэйверли, H 26. Grande ouverture de Waverley, H 26 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Overtures; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra. Репринтное нотное издание Berlioz, Hector "Grande ouverture de Waverley, H 26". Воспроизведено в оригинальной
250 руб
6742 Большая похоронная месса. Grande messe des morts by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Requiems; Funeral music; Religious works; Masses; For voice, mixed chorus, brass, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the tenor voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring brass ensemble; Scores featuring
700 руб
6743 Большой трактат об инструментовке и современной оркестровке, Op.10. Grand Treatise on Instrumentation and Modern Orchestration, Op.10 by Berlioz, Hector
10". Репринтное нотное издание Berlioz, Hector "Grand Treatise on Instrumentation and Modern Orchestration, Op. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные
2250 руб
6744 Тайные судьи, H 23. Les francs-juges, H 23 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language; For piano (arr); For 1 player;
400 руб
6745 Осуждение Фауста, H 111. La damnation de Faust, H 111 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Secular cantatas; Cantatas; Operas; Stage Works; For 4 voices, childrens chorus, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the mezzo-soprano voice; Scores featuring the tenor voice; Scores featuring the
1600 руб
6746 Корсар, увертюра, H 101. Le Corsaire, overture, H 101 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Overtures; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra. Репринтное нотное издание Berlioz, Hector "Le Corsaire, overture, H 101". Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской
400 руб
6747 Песня железных дорог, H 110. Chant des chemins de fer, H 110 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Secular cantatas; Cantatas; For voice, mixed chorus, orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the tenor voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; French
350 руб
6748 Римский карнавал, H 95. Le carnaval romain, H 95 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Overtures; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra; For 2 pianos (arr); For 2 players; Scores featuring the piano; For piano 4 hands (arr); Scores featuring the piano 4 hands; For piano (arr); For 1 player. Репринтное
300 руб
6749 Бенвенуто Челлини, H 76. Benvenuto Cellini, H 76 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Opera semiseria; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language; For piano
1100 руб
6750 Беатриче и Бенедикт, H 138. BГ©atrice et BГ©nГ©dict, H 138 by Berlioz, Hector
Жанры: Operas comiques; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language.
1500 руб

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