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Художественная литература

1501 The Dream Archipelago. Christopher Priest
In this interlinked collection of short stories and novellas, Christopher Priest explores war, relationships and forms of reality. In a world at war, the Dream Archipelago is a neutral zone, and therefore an alluring prospect to the young men on
418 руб
1502 In Milton Lumky Territory. Philip K. Dick
She suggests that he might like to manage her ailing typewriter store and he leaps at the suggestion. Bruce Stevens is a young buyer for a big discount house when he meets the recently divorced Susan Faine. In spite of that, they are married
368 руб
1503 Fairyland. Пол Макоули
When gene hacker Alex Sharkey helps a super-smart girl turn a genetically-engineered doll into a new species he accidentally gives history a dangerous shove 2007.
331 руб
1504 New Moon tie-in. Стефани Майер
But the. Recovered from the vampire attack that hospitalized her in the conclusion of Twilight (Little, Brown, 2005), Bella celebrates her birthday with her boyfriend Edward and his family, a unique clan of vampires that has sworn off human blood.
479 руб
1505 Eclipse (film tie-in). Стефани Майер
In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob;knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. As Seattle is ravaged by a string of
630 руб
1506 Eclipse. Стефани Майер
As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. The third book in the New York Times bestselling vampire romance series that has
561 руб
1507 Under a blood red sky. Kate Furnivall
At its heart is an intense love story. Under a Blood Red Sky is a breathtaking epic novel - a tale of love, escape, revenge and redemption. They are imprisoned in Davinsky Labour Camp, Siberia 1933. But it is also driven by the powerful bonds of
376 руб
1508 Disturbia. Christopher Fowler
Under the guise of a Victorian gaming society it operates extremist and covert activities. An assignment brings Vincent - permanent student and budding young writer - into the world of Sebastian Wells and the Prometheus League. 1998. Threatening
476 руб
1509 Horatio lyle. Catherine Webb
He’s also an occasional, but reluctant, sleuth. In Victorian London at the height of the industrial revolution, Horatio Lyle is a former volunteer law enforcement officer with a passion for science and invention. But when his government calls,
715 руб
1510 Return to Sender. Zoe Barnes
2009. A warm, funny romatic comedy from the popular Zoe Barnes.
635 руб
1511 Happy birthday. Кристина Джонс
2008. An all-twinkling, all-sparkling magical rom-com by rising star Christina Jones.
476 руб
1512 Birthday boys. Beryl Bainbridge
Beryl Bainbridge gets better and better . she has succeeded with a daring leap of emphatic imagination in penetrating the minds of Captain Scott and the four men he led to their deaths in Antarctica in 1912 Patrick Skene Catling, Evening Standard
635 руб
1513 Horse and his boy. Клайв Стейплз Льюис
"I could have sworn that horse spoke. "I`m dreaming," thought Shasta. Shasta, on the verge of being sold into slavery, decides to run away with him. " Bree, the talking horse, has been kidnapped from Narnia, and longs to return. 2001. Before
250 руб
1514 Nightlight:A Parody of Twilight
Despite Belle`s angry sarcasm and propensity for tripping down full flights of stairs, every male at her new high school falls madly in love with her. The pale and klutzy Belle has moved to Switchblade, Oregon, the smallest town imaginable where it
526 руб
1515 Сказки. Оскар Уайльд
, хорошо известного российскому читателю по роману "Портрет Дориана Грея", пьесам "Идеальный муж", "Веер леди Уиндермир" и др. Сборник
106 руб
1516 Reading And Training 4 Northanger Abbey (+Cd). Джейн Остин, Jane Austen
She is seventeen and comes from a small, quiet town in the English countryside. Catherine Morland is going on her first visit to the city of Bath. When she makes friends with the handsome young Henry Tilney and his sister Eleanor, she will find
532 руб
1517 Reading And Training 3 Vampire`S Tear(+Cd). G. Clemen
Nick has a summer job at the museum and invites his best friends Bill and Michelle to join him for a summer of fun. A diamond is on display at an important show on Eastern Europe and Vampires at a New York City museum. Suddenly there is a vampire
532 руб
1518 Reading And Training 2 Murder At Coyote Can.(+Cd). G. Clemen
When an unscrupulous property developer starts building new homes in Coyote Canyon, the Chumash become angry – the development is located on their ancient cemetery. The Chumash are American Indians who live in California. Suspicion falls
532 руб
1519 Reading And Training 2 Dream Come True (+Cd). Andrea M. Hutchinson
But with an overprotective Dad and important exams to take, it seems that Ellie’s dreams will have to remain just that, dreams. Ellie is mad about music: she dreams of becoming a singer and she desperately wants to go to the Glastonbury Festival,
524 руб
1520 The Oxford Shakespeare: King Henry VIII (or All is True). Уильям Шекспир
The Oxford Shakespeare offers authoritative texts from leading scholars in editions designed to interpret and illuminate the plays for modern readers Из серии: Oxford World`s Classics 2008.
203 руб
1521 The Hound Of The Baskervilles. Артур Конан Дойл
The grey towers of Baskerville Hall and the wild open country of Dartmoor hold many secrets for Holmes and Watson to unravel. The Hound of the Baskervilles is the tale of an ancient curse suddenly given a terrifying modern application. The editor
306 руб
1522 Dominoes: Tempest Starter level. Уильям Шекспир
They want to return to Milan. Prospero, the Duke of Milan, and his daughter Miranda are far away from home, alone on an island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Prospero, with the help of his magic and the island spirit, Ariel, makes a magic
256 руб
1523 Empire Tales (+Cd). W.Somerset Maugham, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Rudyard Kipling, E. M. Forster, George Orwell, Jean Rhys
Imperialism left a lasting mark on Great Britain itself as well as on the ex-colonies. Introduction, notes and activities by Dorothea Barret In the second half of the 19th century, the British Empire, was at its greatest. Forster, Ruyard
589 руб
1524 Detective Stories. Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Wallace, Margery Allingham, Freeman R. Austin, Edmund Crispen, Geoffrey Bush, Julian Symons
Из серии: Reading Classics 2008. Selection, introduction, notes and activities by John Douthwaite These stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, R.Austin Freeman, Edgar Wallace, Edmund Crispen and Geoffrey Bush, Margery Allingham and Julian Symons
586 руб
1525 The Tommyknockers. Stephen King
Roberta Anderson, while searching for firewood in the forest, stumbles upon a burried ship and with the help of her onetime lover, Jim Gardener, excavates an artifact that changes the townspeople of Haven 2007.
395 руб
1526 Thinner. Stephen King
After an old gypsy woman is killed by his car, lawyer Billy Halleck is stricken with a flesh-wasting malady and must undertake a nightmarish journey to confront the forces of death 1994.
386 руб
1527 Nkin Rose Madder. Stephen King
2007. Rosie Daniels flees her nightmare marriage to find refuge in a strange city, far from her brutal husband, Norman, whose relentless savagery and mad obsessions follow her to her sanctuary and drive her to transform herself to survive.
372 руб
1528 Nkin Dark Half. Стивен Кинг
Reissue. Thad Beaumont comes under suspicion when clues concerning a murder lead to George Stark, the fictional alter ego under whose name Beaumont used to write. 1994.
363 руб
1529 Second Chance. Jane Green
On the surface, they are all successful and happy. Holly Macintosh is sitting round her kitchen table with her oldest friends - friends she hasn`t seen since school - now reunited by an unexpected tragedy and catching up on the past 20 years.
568 руб
1530 The Red Room. Никки Френч
Now his is in your hands. He almost took your life. When the police want her help in linking the man who attacked her to a series of murders, she refuses to simply accept the obvious. After psychologist Kit Quinn is brutally attacked by a
531 руб
1531 Murder is Announced. Agatha Christie
a ( New York Times Book Review ) When an evening of fun and games turns to murder, Miss Marple plays by her own rules to solve the whodunit. A asuper-smooth Christie. Из серии: Miss Marple Mysteries 2001.
324 руб
1532 Ashenden, or The British Agent. Уильям Сомерсет Моэм, W.Somerset Maugham
Свои впечатления от службы в Ми-5 писатель изложил в своем сборнике новелл Эшенден, или Британский агент (1928), который представляет
209 руб
1533 A Streetcar Named Desire & The Glass Menagerie. Теннесси Уильямс, Tennessee Williams
В книгу вошли две пьесы: "Трамвай "Желание"" (1947) - трагическая история разорившейся аристократки, за которую автор был
186 руб
1534 Death of a Salesman. Arthur Miller
Считается, что в этом произведении А. Знаменитая пьеса "Смерть коммивояжера" (1949, Пулитцеровская премия), написанная в жанре "домашней
166 руб
1535 Way Station. Клиффорд Саймак, Clifford D. Simak
Его сельский дом становится станцией, куда прибывают гости из других миров. Главному герою романа "Пересадочная станция" (1963) - ветерану
189 руб
1536 Dandelion Wine. Рэй Брэдбери, Ray Bradbury
Это рассказ о событиях лета 1928 года в тихом городке Гринтауне, увиденных глазами двенадцатилетнего Дугласа Сполдинга. Ностальгическая
194 руб
1537 The Wolf and The Seven Little Kids. The Three Little Pigs. Волк и семеро козлят. Три поросенка
Главное в изучении иностранных языков - мотивация, или, другими словами, интерес. Книга сказок на английском языке адресована взрослым,
124 руб
1538 The Mysterious Affair At Styles. Таинственное проишествие в Стайлз. Агата Кристи
Выйдя из госпиталя после серьезного ранения, капитан Гастингс по приглашению друзей принимает решение отдохнуть в имении Стайлз.
176 руб
1539 They Came To Baghdad. Агата Кристи, Agatha Christie
Из серии: My Favourite Fiction 2009. "Встреча в Багдаде" (1951) - одна из шпионских историй Агаты Кристи повествует о том, как уволенная с работы
202 руб
1540 To kill a mockingbird . Харпер Ли
События романа происходят в штате Алабама, где и родилась 28 апреля 1926 г. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Все трудности жизни 30-х
139 руб
1541 Jeeves In The Offing. Пелам Гренвилл Вудхаус, P.G. Wodehouse
Из серии: My Favourite Fiction 2009. В книгу вошли четыре произведения всемирно известного писателя - роман "Дживс в отпуске" (1960) и три новеллы из
206 руб
1542 Plays. Pygmalion. The Appel Cart. Бернард Шоу, George Bernard Shaw
Он внес неоценимый вклад в развитие национального театра, и в Англии имя Бернарда Шоу стоит в одном ряду с именем Шекспира. Джордж
205 руб
1543 The Lost World. Артур Конан Дойл, Arthur Conan Doyle
Широкую известность получили его увлекательные детективные произведения, приключенческие и научно-фантастические, юмористические, а
183 руб
1544 Олдингтон Рассказы. Ричард Олдингтон
В стиле рассказов, как и других произведений писателя, сказалась многоранность его дарования, богатство изобразительных средств. В
202 руб
1545 Рассказы. Домашнее чтение. Артур Конан Дойл
Текст каждого рассказа снабжен постраничным комментарием, а также упражнениями, направленными на проверку понимания текста,
101 руб
1546 Маленькая принцесса. Фрэнсис Ходсон Бернетт
После каждой главы приводится перевод новых слов на русский язык, постраничный комментарий, а также упражнения, направленные на
97 руб
1547 1000 русских и английских пословиц и поговорок. Александра Григорьева
Книга будет полезна как детям, так и взрослым, изучающим английский язык, а также всем, кто интересуется английской культурой. Словарь
189 руб
1548 Странная история доктора Джекила и мистера Хайда (+CD). Роберт Льюис Стивенсон
Из серии: Билингва. Книга предоставляет уникальную возможность усовершенствовать знания английского языка: читайте о приключениях
208 руб
1549 Затерянный мир. Рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе. Артур Конан Дойл
На страницах книги вы встретитесь со знакомыми персонажами - профессором Челленджером и его командой, узнаете, где можно встретить
96 руб
1550 The Elements. Philip Ball
Looking beyond the Periodic Table, the author examines our relationship with matter, from the uncomplicated vision of the Greek philosophers, who believed there were four elements - earth, air, fire, and water - to the work of modern-day scientists
336 руб

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