Reading And Training 3 True Adventure Stories(+Cd). Peter Foreman ‘Lost at Sea’ tells the adventures of a family sailing round the world and their battle to survive in the ocean after a shipwreck. Four true, breathtaking stories of adventure and courage which take us across the ocean, the ice of the
Reading And Training 3 Julius Caesar (+Cd). Уильям Шекспир, William Shakespeare The people are angry because of a grain shortage and the aristocrats are worried that Julius Caesar will seek to become king. There is discontent in Rome among the people and aristocrats. At first everything seems to go well for them, but soon the
Happy House Happy Alphabet Book The humorous frog artwork introduces children to letters and words in an interesting context. The "Happy Alphabet Book" is specially written for children who are learning the Roman Alphabet at the start of their English course. 2010. The practice
Earlyreads 5 Nasreddin - Ten Stories. Jennifer Gascoigne Features of all readers are: • beautiful illustrations, which not only encourage reading but actively help children to understand the story • picture dictionaries, for active vocabulary work • fun activities and games, often for more than
Earlyreads 5 Ali Baba And 40 Thieves. Catherine E. White Features of all readers are: • beautiful illustrations, which not only encourage reading but actively help children to understand the story • picture dictionaries, for active vocabulary work • fun activities and games, often for more than
Earlyreads 5 Aladdin. Ruth Hobart Features of all readers are: • beautiful illustrations, which not only encourage reading but actively help children to understand the story • picture dictionaries, for active vocabulary work • fun activities and games, often for more than
Earlyreads 4 Magic Computer Mouse (+Cd). Liz Taylor, Nella Burnett-Stuart Features of all readers are: • beautiful illustrations, which not only encourage reading but actively help children to understand the story • picture dictionaries, for active vocabulary work • fun activities and games, often for more than
Earlyreads 4 Frankenstein at School Book with Audio CD. Gaia Lerace Features of all readers are: • beautiful illustrations, which not only encourage reading but actively help children to understand the story • picture dictionaries, for active vocabulary work • fun activities and games, often for more than
Earlyreads 4 Dracula And His Family (+Cd). Gaia Lerace Features of all readers are: • beautiful illustrations, which not only encourage reading but actively help children to understand the story • picture dictionaries, for active vocabulary work • fun activities and games, often for more than
Earlyreads 4 Christmas Fun. Ruth Hobart Features of all readers are: • beautiful illustrations, which not only encourage reading but actively help children to understand the story • picture dictionaries, for active vocabulary work • fun activities and games, often for more than
Earlyreads 4 Aesop`S Fables. Ruth Hobart Features of all readers are: • beautiful illustrations, which not only encourage reading but actively help children to understand the story • picture dictionaries, for active vocabulary work • fun activities and games, often for more than
Earlyreads 3 Bugaboo The Wicked Witch (+Cd). Cristina Ivaldi Features of all readers are: • beautiful illustrations, which not only encourage reading but actively help children to understand the story • picture dictionaries, for active vocabulary work • fun activities and games, often for more than
Earlyreads 2. Mad Teacher (+CD). Cristina Ivaldi Features of all readers are: • beautiful illustrations, which not only encourage reading but actively help children to understand the story • picture dictionaries, for active vocabulary work • fun activities and games, often for more than
Earlyreads 1 Trip To Safari Park They have been looking forward to it and they can hardly contain their enthusiasm, so their teacher has to be very patient! They have a lot of laughs and a lot of fun, but they also manage to learn something!
Из серии: Earlyreads
2008. A
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Лучшие стихи. Сергей Михалков Есть среди них настоящие смельчаки, которые мечтают о далеких путешествиях. Дорогой юный друг! Это книга про тебя и твоих друзей,про
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Я и магазин. Павел Астахов Каждый день вы узнаёте что-то новое. Вот и настало то время, когда вы стали практически взрослыми. Родители доверяют вам, у вас
Глупая лошадь. Вадим Левин Но опоздал: пока я рос, Корней Чуковский, С. "Я с детства мечтал переводить с английского старинные стихи и истории. Как назло, среди моих
Иллюстрированная энциклопедия для мальчиков Здесь и многотомные академические издания, и маленькие карманные словарики. Мир современных энциклопедий многолик и многообразен.
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2010. Оригинальная и эффективная методика, приведенная во всех книгах серии «Мой первый иностранный
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Я - будущая фотомодель Записывай в него все, что может пригодиться в подготовке к модельной профессии. Ты мечтаешь стать фотомоделью? Уверена, что
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Хрестоматия по литературе. 10 класс ru/id/463976">Хрестоматия составлена в соответствии с новой программой по литературе, рекомендованной Министерством образования и науки
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